19 February 2018

Turning Point of Life

Assalamualaikum everyone,

Last January 2018 was a big shot for me. Do you know, that turning point of life which everybody has was approaching me in one condition that i never imagine will come into my life before. Yes! that turning point when you will no longer become only you, but just because someone asked you to be a place called home, you will become 'two of you' soon for the rest of your life. Does everyone here remember that i've written the story about my dearest friend in Baskom Butut? it's about April, a year ago. I told you about someone with his kindness, yet chill sometimes. Never cross my mind that he will become someone important for the rest of my life. He used to, but I thought it will be only in my past after a long wait. However in fact, Allah made his best plan inshaallah. We are getting married soon. :) 

Like Micnon Mclaughlin says, I want to fall in love many times, always with the same person. And I want to be that one too. Well, I'm currently nervous preparing my wed. Did everyone feel the same too? Like me?
First, I feel like i didn't know what to prepare, where to start choosing vendors or what, how to calculate budget, or was it right or wrong? Gladly, i have mama, papa, my sister, and friends beside me who lend their hands, so i don't really bothered with that big monster called nervous anymore. In every chance, eventhough with thousand meters of distances, i also tried to be open up with my fiance (even feeling a little peculiar) in everything regarding our preparation. At least, his support makes me revive and ease every process. I know, the journey ahead of me is not a door to be in a wonderland directly. It might not as beautiful as it imagined, but not as creepy as it flashed either, for sure. What i heard from mama, marriage life is a wonderful step to pursue wonderful life afterlife. The journey will be tough but lead us to be tough either. It won't be smooth, but create us to be smoother and more patient in dealing problem. Obstacles are certainty, happiness and sadness are options. Hence, what i learnt from my married friends, It's ours to stir and direct the life of marriage, not others. 

Then, put Allah in everything. Happiness or sadness, Allah knows. 'Inna ma'al 'usri yusraa' - there's always ease after difficulty. Trust that everything happened to you is based on Allah's plan. I hope I can be someone who is able to cheer my destiny up in his good and bad times, give strength and comfort him in his every condition,be a home from places he goes, be the best that I can be by involving Allah in my life for sure! 
Therefore, please give your pray for me everyone! good pray will go for you too, inshaallah aminnn :)

Love doesn't just sit there, like a stone. It has to be made, like bread. Remade all the time, made new! - Ursula


4 January 2018

The Deer and the Lion

Salam pagi! 

Yesterday I talked with my boss about random things. He said, basically the deer runs faster than the lion, but the deer is always caught by lion. Why? Because the deer is frightened of lion. Its brain has set up the mindset that 'i will be caught up by the lion'. Hence, how faster the deer is, lion can catch it! While the lion itself has another way of thinking, it has a courage to attack and believe to win.
This is also depicted the problematic of youth, especially in my city. Students graduated from university, yet we can classify them, there will be two types of students; 1. Frightened of the world pressures 2. Challenge the world (got attacked or attack!). Frightened of something is not bad at all, they sometimes will not develop or perhaps they have a tendency to always look for comfort zone, but it also can protect them from bad things. However, in this capitalist world, our country needs more young generation to be bold and be the second type. Mostly, someone who can challenge the world is the one who has a real and strong vision in the future also knows what he/she wants to do, and it's very rarely. What I thought after coming back to my city, I used to be the first type, very pessimistic. My boss said it's fine and good to experience something like that as long as you are now can get the feel and try to change the other youth in this city to open up their mind and think globally, but act locally. Challenging, but gladly to be the part of Tasikmalaya citizen.
Just like the deer and lion, I wish someday the deer can think another way to escape from the lion :'D