31 March 2017


Assalamualaikum everyone!
         I guess the last day in March will end perfectly, but it seems most of us are feeling hampered by the situation. While I'm trying to make my self busy, my country turned out to be busy too. This morning, I saw the news and I didn't know how to react. Sympathy? Passionate? Or sad?
          I know exactly that religion issue is always be a crucial, holy, and very sensitive. Especially when we try to hook it with Politics. Both of politics and religion played an important role in running the state. No wonder if the state only walks straight for its desire without politics and religion, everything else is absolutely a distraction.
         My country, Indonesia is one of places where diversity is a possible thing to be realized through the presence of integrity, tolerance, trust, and will to protect each other. Hence, differences are not something to be feared, shunned, or made obvious. Otherwise, the difference must be something strengthening, and escalating our mindset.
         Whatever, now I'm talking about the demonstration that just happened today. About hundred Muslim people rallied their will to gather in Istiqlal Mosque, Jakarta then walked with flocks to the President Palace. This incident actually not happened for the first time. It's like a continuation from 411 and 212 peace action in 2016. The demonstration was substantively led to Mr Ahok (Current Jakarta's governor) case, again. As we might already knew. He is a suspect for Islam blasphemy case, but he still served as a governor. The humiliation that he did over Al-maidah letter verse 51 in Al-qur'an was definitely wrong and it breaks every Muslim people's heart for sure. Hence, he got many disrespectful trait, mockery, and disappointment from some of Muslim society.
         However, what the people demand through this demontration was addressed to our President, Mr Jokowi. There were two things that the demonstrants asked. First is to humbly asked Mr Jokowi to ofiicially knock off his position as Jakarta governor. Then second is to fasten the process of Mr Ahok punishment. Honestly, it breaks my heart too watching some Muslim people held the demonstration (again) even perhaps they called it as a peace action. You know, it just feels fear, anxious, afraid of something bad that might happened, worried of making the problem even bigger and even create the rift among religious societies. 
Yet, they still did it. 
          In my point, it is better for those who followed demonstration to take another way. Serious-blowing-conversation through dialogs might be a better option for the people to spill out the demands and aspirations. And by seeing this recurring actions, Mr President also needs to make a decision by considering the people demand. If the people have to wait, explain why and give understanding. If Mr Ahok can't be punished, explain again why with clear elucidation. 
         Even personally, i know it might be hard to make Mr Ahok step down from his position because his another status as a suspect hasn't be a compelling reason unless the penalty from the court has been officially imposed. Yet, what I haven't understand yet is the rationality and its legal perspective on blasphemy case. If it's so wrong, then follow-up with an appropriate legal and punishment more sprightly and objectively. If it's not so wrong, explain. Because some people don't understand, what they know is only the fact that Mr Ahok has done something inappropriate that hurts most of Muslim's heart.
well, i hope this case can find its ending soon. I trust my country and its responsible government workers, so show us the best, give us the fairest solution that could calm people's heart.


25 March 2017

Selamat malam, Tuan

Selamat malam, tuan.
Entah kan kutunjukkan pada siapa.
Entah pada kamu, atau bukan.
Sebab aku pun tak pasti.
Kamu masih menjadi rahasia-Nya.

Selamat malam, tuan.
Siapapun engkau, kuharap takkan pernah berhenti mendoakanku.
Sebab aku pun berlaku sama disini.
Semoga engkau selalu dalam lindungannya.
Hingga satu masa kita dipertemukan.

Selamat malam, tuan.
Setiap hari, kan ku songsong agar jadi lebih baik.
Agar tak ada lagi rasa sesal.
Masa laluku mungkin tak dapat kuubah, begitu adanya.
Namun tentu, masa depanku takkan kubiarkan berjalan tanpa ridho dari-Nya.

Selamat malam, tuan.
Aku memang jauh dari sempurna.
Namun aku tak boleh berdiam diri saja, melewatkan segala usaha untuk sempurna.
Setidaknya, untuk membuat ibadahku sempurna.

Selamat malam, tuan.
Jika aku datang terlambat, tunggu aku sebentar lagi.
Sebab berbenah diri dan hati tak selalu mudah.
Namun aku pasti akan berusaha berlari.
Mengejar langkah tuan agar dapat beriringan.

Selamat malam, tuan.
Aku tak perlu romansa bak jutaan pasangan diluar sana.
Tak perlu pula rentetan kata penuh harap namun tak pasti.
Aku hanya ingin berbagi payung, sudikah?
Agar hujan tak buat terlalu basah, dan tetap teduh saat terik mentari datang terlalu pekat.
Agar sedih tak berlebih pun bahagia tak jadi takabur.

Selamat malam, tuan.
Ahhh.. Aku bicara terlalu banyak.
Esok, semoga masih menjadi milikku.
Sebab aku kadang terlupa akan jodoh yang pasti datang bila selalu memikirkan tuan.

Selamat malam, tuan.
Aku sungguh berharap kita dapat bertatap muka, merajut kisah sampai beruban.
Berdoalah, percayalah, Ia sudah membuat skenario terbaik untukku dan tuan, inshaallah.

Selamat malam, tuan.



19 March 2017


Have you ever felt like the world was turning away? I think all adults must have felt it even for once.
And I wonder why adults are given this kind of sense, while I think the fairytale and its happiness-ever-after was real.
However, everyone who on the same age like me is currently stepping on this phase. Welcome to adulthood! The time of life when someone has regarded as independent, mature, and brave enough to take responsibility on every actions that he/she does. Sounds creepy but this is real.
Unlike childhood, having faith on the fairytale, huge castle, prince charming white horse, magic, pixy dust and things were allowed. Shaped those lies inside little me made me grows with that faith. And maybe not only me. I was wondering what my future looks like? Will it bloom like a gigantic rose? or will it just stay the same like the grass?
We do choose our faith. But sometimes faith becomes a funny thing. It turns up when you don't expect anything, but turns you down when you really expect a thing. And it applies to people for sure. Once in a while, people will surprise you even people also can take your breath away.. This is how adulthood works. 
The pain you feel, the ignorance you get, the pressure you bear are the color to your life. We build the future in a real life, not a future in the fairytale. Even those fairy tale might affect people when they grew up, but in adulthood, one day you'll realize that fairy tale maybe slightly different than you dreamed of. It may not a castle or a prince charming with his white horse, and it's not important to be happy ever-after. The thing that we will realize  is to do the best in every corner of our lives. 
It might hard to make everyone happy, because everything you do will be judged. Therefore, adulthood teachs you how to do everything that will ease your heart with those responsibility things. If you find that life is hard already, why do we bring more troubledown on ourselves by thinking unnecessary things?
Maybe because we just like the pain? or we just couldn't feel real? 
That is why, like what benjamin franklin meant, that knowing is better than wondering, waking is better than sleeping, and that even the biggest failure, the worst, the most intractable mistake, the beast is the hell out of never trying!
I should finally understand that even my fairytale was a lie, my reality must be greater even with a thousand burdens, obstacles, pains, and complaints. Because you know what, we have Allah, and when we do, everything will be easier, InshaAllah..


14 March 2017

Waiting for the dusk

Assalamualaikum, may Allah always bless your days..
Now, I think I'm in my mood to write something. So, this would be another chit-chat time!!
Today I should have taught 4 classes, it means around 8-9 hours in total. One class in the morning, two classes in the afternoon, and the last class is in the evening. My morning class was so delightful. I found my student got everything that I was trying to deliver. If not, she will asked me to repeat until she understood and got very excited. Alhamdulillah. What makes me even more happy was not only because of her ability to catch up fast, but also because of her personality trait that step by step is going more open in talking things. I like when the students are starting to see me as their friends!
Then, my second class actually came from a flock of people from magazine company. Each of them is older than me! The first time I stood in front of them, I just felt sooo discriminated, soo powerless, and inconfident. Yet, as time passed, I saw that they are not scary at all. Hahaha. In every class I took, we even shared lot of things! Maybe because most of them are married men and women, so the athmosphere was very warm and family-oriented. So I think I learnt a lot from them. And do you know what is even more exciting? When I talked to them about my amateur hobby in writing, they suggested me to send those scripts to their company rather than to keep them inside my laptop! They are definitely right, aren't they? I promise then, starting right now I will be more attempted in writing good things!!!!! Bismillaaaah
Besides, I have senior high school boy in my third class. But today, he was absent because he had a national olimpiade at his school. So proud of him! I wish him the best in everything, aminn.
So this is it, I'm still stuck at class while waiting for the dusk and another class. But oops! I think my last class in the evening will be starting soon. bye bye  for now, thenn!



12 March 2017

Prophetic Parenting 3

Assalamualaikum ! Welcome back di ceritanya Prophetic Parenting .. Inshaallah kali ini saya mau cerita content dari buku yang manfaat sekali, khususnya buat saya sendiri nih. 
Nah, buku ini ternyata juga mengupas hal-hal yang paling baik untuk dimiliki seorang pendidik lho. Kalau kalian belum punya anak, dan memang berprofesi sebagai guru atau tenaga pengajar, pembahasan kali ini boleh lho disimak. (meski tentunya semua orang nantinya bisa berkesempatan jadi seorang pendidik ya..)

Well, yang namanya mengajar tentunya not as easy as it heard yah. Pasti ada resiko, tantangan, target-target yang perlu dicapai, dan ada juga tanggung jawabnya. Personally, saya juga lagi belajar jadi seorang pendidik yang baik, yang tentu saja harus bertanggung jawab sama apa yang sudah dimulai. Menurut buku ini, ada beberapa hal dan juga karakter yang kalau si pendidik miliki, inshaallah akan mempermudah ia dalam melakukan tugas-tugasnya. Kesempurnaan manusia memang hanya dimiliki oleh para rasul alayhimussalam, tetapi bukan berarti kita menerima begitu saja sifat manusia ini. Setiap orang diperbolehkan untuk selalu berusaha sekuat tenaga untuk terus melatih diri menjadi manusia yang memiliki akhlak baik. Sehingga alangkah baiknya jika nantinya peran seorang pendidik yang baik dapat terus dicontoh oleh generasi-generasi berikutnya, inshaallah amiinn yaa..

Okay, hal pertama yang harus diperhatikan oleh seorang pendidik adalah sifat tenang dan tidak terburu-buru. Sudah sering kan merasakan akibat dari sifat terburu-buru? Saya pribadi sering sekali menyepelekan waktu sehingga ujungnya jadi terburu-buru. Hasilnya? tentu saja tidak maksimal, bahkan gemas sendiri karena tak satisfied. Jadi sudah sepatutnya untuk memilah hal-hal yang jadi prioritas dan tidak menunda-nunda! *noteformyself.
Hal kedua yang hendaknya dimiliki seorang pendidik adalah sifat lembut dan tidak kasar. Not to be a killer, but to be a wiser. Dulu, sempat sih kepikiran kalau suatu saat jadi guru maunya jadi guru killer. Well, iya kalau killer bisa kasih manfaat positif sama anak didik, tapi kalau ternyata malah buat anak didik takut tanpa memberi manfaat? Failed sudah. Karena hakikatnya, kekasaran sering menimbulkan kerusakan, dan Allah SWT pun tidak suka kekasaran. Seperti hadits yang diriwayatkan oleh Muslim dari Aisyah RA: " Sesungguhnya Allah Maha lembut dan menyukai kelembutan. Dia memberi atas kelembutan apa yang tidak Dia beri atas kekasaran dan lainnya."
Hal ketiga adalah memiliki hati yang penyayang. Bak seorang ibu terhadap anaknya, seorang pendidik harus memiliki sifat penyayang dan tidak mendiskriminasi. Bukan hanya kepada keluarga, dan teman saja. Tetapi Rasulullah pun bersabda untuk menyayangi semua umat. Karena sesungguhnya, tidak akan masuk surga selain orang-orang yang penyayang.
Hal yang keempat adalah memilih yang termudah selama bukan termasuk dosa. Dalam mendidik, tentu saja banyak halang-rintangnya. Suatu saat kita dihadapkan pada beberapa pilihan yang memusingkan dan kadang bikin galau. Nah, saat kondisi itu tiba Rasulullah sangat menyarankan kita untuk memilih hal yang paling mudah selama hal itu tidak dosa. Tetapi, saat hal yang paling mudah itu adalah dosa, maka jauhilah sejauh-jauhnya.
Hal kelima yang harus dimiliki seorang pendidik adalah sikap toleransi. Disini, perlu sangat amat kita saring persepsi dan perspektif kita terhadap suatu kondisi yang dihadapi. Karena pada dasarnya, kita harus memahami arti dari toleransi itu sendiri. Yaitu kemampuan untuk memahami orang lain dalam bentuk yang optimal, yang artinya tidak close minded yaa, yang cenderung menimbulkan pandangan hina atau lemah, tetapi harus open minded, sehingga memunculkan pandangan yang selalu positif. 
Hal yang keenam adalah menjauhkan diri dari amarah. Dalam hal ini, mungkin kita sering menemukan orang dengan karakter yang berbeda beda. Terlebih lagi dalam menghadapi anak-anak atau bahkan dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat. Seringkali banyak tingkah laku orang-orang yang membuat kita jengkel dan ingin meluap-luap. Tapi sebagai seorang pendidik, kita harus pintar-pintar meredam amarah, atau menguasai amarah, dan hendaknya mengusir amarah tersebut dengan sifat ikhlas dan memaafkan.
Hal ketujuh adalah sikap seimbang dan proporsional. Mencontoh terhadap sikap Rasul yang selalu seimbang dan proporsional dalam urusan tiang agama, kita pun sebagai pengikutnya sudah sebaiknya dapat mengaplikasikan sikap tersebut pada urusan hidup lainnya. Dalam mengajar dan mendidik, bersikap ekstrim merupakan sifat yang tercela, maka dari itu menakar porsi pembelajaran dan bersikap secukupnya itu lebih baik. Ingat kan? Innallaha Laa yuhibbul mushrifuun.. Sesungguhnya Allah tidak menyukai orang yang berlebih-lebihan.
Hal terakhir yang harus diperhatikan adalah selingan dalam memberi nasihat.Terkadang kita terlalu asik memberikan nasihat kepada orang lain. Sampai lupa untuk melihat dari sudut pandang mereka. Karena ternyata, seringkali berbicara terlalu banyak itu tidak memberikan hasil apa-apa. Sedangkan, memberikan nasihat yang baik dengan jarang justru seringkali menghasilkan sesuatu yang besar atas izin Allah SWT, inshaallah..

Andddd That's all! Sekian untuk hari inii, semoga bermanfaat dan bisa terus diamalkan, amiin.
إِنَّ اللَّهَ رَفِيقٌ يُحِبُّ الرِّفْقَ وَيُعْطِي عَلَى الرِّفْقِ مَا لَا يُعْطِي عَلَى الْعُنْفِ - See more at: http://www.voa-islam.com/read/aqidah/2010/09/28/10431/berlaku-lembutlah-sesungguhnya-allah-menyukai-kelemahlembutan/#sthash.yvG6ooDd.dpuf
إِنَّ اللَّهَ رَفِيقٌ يُحِبُّ الرِّفْقَ وَيُعْطِي عَلَى الرِّفْقِ مَا لَا يُعْطِي عَلَى الْعُنْفِ - See more at: http://www.voa-islam.com/read/aqidah/2010/09/28/10431/berlaku-lembutlah-sesungguhnya-allah-menyukai-kelemahlembutan/#sthash.yvG6ooDd.dpuf
إِنَّ اللَّهَ رَفِيقٌ يُحِبُّ الرِّفْقَ وَيُعْطِي عَلَى الرِّفْقِ مَا لَا يُعْطِي عَلَى الْعُنْفِ - See more at: http://www.voa-islam.com/read/aqidah/2010/09/28/10431/berlaku-lembutlah-sesungguhnya-allah-menyukai-kelemahlembutan/#sthash.yvG6ooDd.dpuf

7 March 2017

Learn from the Past

      Hope everyone is doing fine. This blog always shows the inconsistency of mine in writting. What ashamed, hffftttt. Thanks to my small pieces of work that makes me boring sometimes and then triggers me to start thinking to write and turning on the comp.
Bismillah, I don’t know whether I deserve to say something like what i’m going to say now or not. I just feel like it, nothing deeper. This is just a story of the past that I won’t forget because i know i will be able to learn from my past.
       Being a teacher was something that I would avoid hardly before. What I wanted to be since I was young and immature (I’m not saying that today I’ve been mature enough, but slightly a bit wiser enough to appreciate life than before, hihi) was soooo far away from what I’ve been today.  I never thought that I would jump to this kind of situation before. Having no choices, dragging in to the trap, but alhamdulillah that I made this step. At moments ago, I wish to become an architect. Drawing future house, having particular projects with lucrative vision and making people’s dream comes true. However I realized that my happiness in solving senior high school’s physics subject was not enough to become an architect. It was because I just could not draw. In the past, I always wonder why I never been succeeded making a straight line, but then i knew that I got my eyes cylinder. That was why I always made a terribly straight line. Yes! What i did from that time was to give up. Actually I hate that side of my self, giving up easily while I should be a fighter instead. Find ways to combat and counter attack that little cylinder also practice to draw. But whatever it was, I just did nothing. I hope everyone here will never does the same thing. Indeed, I was regretting my decision back then to giving up as an architect. Yet, I never regret to take another move which brought me to meet a lot of precious persons. Thanks Allah I chose this way.
       Enrolled to one of the best majors in my university was a pride. Hi, I was an international relation student. What I wanted to be was to become a practitioner. Standing proudly, speaking loudly, living greatly, and others. Yet again, there was a time when an unexpected turns of life coming. The more I get to know, the more I get doubt to be practitioner. That part of process was the one that leads me to take this step, decided to prefer living as an academician.
       Here I am, currently I’m staying back in my home town. A small town where International Relation studies is not available here. My precious mom and dad need me much here. Perhaps they miss their little daughter who grows this fast? Hihii. At least, wherever I am, I believe that Allah always has a better plan. I believe that I will keep changing into a better one wherever it is. I believe when we have Allah, there are nothing that should be afraid of. Allah has his own way of testing and helping his servant!
        And here No International Relation studies, doesn’t mean that I can do nothing. From here, I think I am starting to build my new hobby, Donate. Not materially, but i hope becoming a teacher can be my way to always donate sincerely lillahita’alaa. About what I knew, what I’ve been through, what I got, anything.  Sharing few experiences of mine to others hopefully inspiring my students to be better than me. No more give up, start from small thing, have faith, keep on praying, and finish what you start. At some point, it might okay to give up, but then get back to Allah, beg him! And inshaallah help will be on its way. Amiiinn