11 August 2022

I'm Back!

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Malam folks! Salam dari aku yang malam ini udah dasteran dan kembali nostalgia saat buka blog ini
Superr rinduu bahkan ternyata ada draft tulisan tentang pregnancy story aku yang gak selesai selesai dong 😭 jadii sekalian aku rapell aja deh pengen sharing juga tentang cerita lahiran anak pertamaku yang mashaallah sekali *dah lgsg mulai aja yaa, kelamaan muqadimah takut basi >,<

Well, aku mulai dari mana yaa hmmm
Alhamdulillah puji syukur, setelah menikah langsung dikasih amanah nyawa di dalam perut, hal yang awalnya surprisingly bikin shock karna don't know what to do, dan suami aku juga reaksinya gak kaya orang2 di sosmed yang auto histeris nangis bombay yaa (karna awal nikah kita masih LDM) jadi pasca resepsi - bulan madu- LDM dan tau2 udah hamidun, auto sama2 bingung yaa wkwkwk
Tapi jelas kita berdua bersyukur, ini anugrah yang Allah kasih buat kita :)

4 bulan LDMan, akhirnya aku memutuskan resign dari kerjaan aku as a teacher dan back to my favorite city, Yogyakarta! Baru nyadar ternyata doaku yg ditulis di part "about" blog ku ini ternyata come true, mashaallah
But, dengan kondisi berbeda kala itu aku memutuskan untuk being a house wife dan suamiku ternyata menginginkan hal yang sama. Sedih? Tentu sempat terlintas, tapi pada akhirnya aku memilih untuk bisa selalu stay at home and do productive thing dari rumah aja :)

Singkat cerita bulan demi bulan berlalu, dan tendangan cinta di perut semakin terasa, sampai pada suatu pagi flek merah itu datang, katanyaaa itu tanda kalo bentar lagi lahiran. well aku dan suamiku udah prepare banyak barang di mobil termasuk gymball >.< kakak ipar ku bilang "udahh, tinggal dibawa jalan2 ajaa" dan kita pun memutuskan buat jalan2.. Tapi apa daya diluar hujan dong! hahaa Jadi kita memutuskan buat jalan2 di Mall ajaa, bahkan sebelumnya kita sempetin mampir studio foto buat foto maternity alakadarnya aja! 

Habis foto, kita lanjut jalan2 di Mall, gak ada yang dibeli, murni cuma jalan2 ajaa hahaa, paling makan yoshinoya sama minum es taro nya (kesalahan minum es sebelom lahiran). Saat itu udah isya ceritanya, habis makan kita shalat ke mushalla terus niat pulang aja, karna yang aku rasain kontraksinya belum se intens kata bidan2 dan perut juga belum keras kayak dahi. Tapi, pas lewat CGV, kok malah penasaran sama film fantastic beast.. dan gatau ada angin dari mana akhirnya kita nonton film itu 

Jeng jengg!! Filmnya beres sekitar jam setengah sebelas malam, waktu bangun dari tempat duduk dan turunin undakan2 tangga di studio, tau2 ada yang bocor berasa basah ga kebendung, tiap turun undakan makin banyak keluarnya waduwww, auto langsung ke kamar mandi dan celana yang dipake udah bener2 basah yaa! Alhamdulilahnya pas udah trimester akhir selalu siap sedia kertas lakmus. aku cek lah cairan itu di kamar mandi, dan ternyata beneran air ketuban yang pecah 

Suami langsung degdegan pas aku kasih tau pecah ketuban, dari situ kita langsung tancap gas ke IGD menembus jalanan yang saat itu makin malam makin deras hujannya
bismillah bismillah sepanjang jalan udah degdegan tapi juga lebih ke excited sih bentar lagi ketemu dedek 

Sesampainya di depan pinti IGD, aku jalan sendirian nemuin yang jaga IGD, karna suami langsung cari parkiran. Si mbak2 perawat awalnya nyntai aja liat aku, tapi waktu aku bilang aku pecah ketuban langsung pada kaget dan riweuh nyuruh baringan dan mulai cek ini itu :D

Saat pertama kali datang langsung d cek VT, ternyata belum ada pembukaan. Mbaknya konsultasi ke dokter spog yang periksa aku dan minta buat di observasi aja dulu sebelum memutuskan tindakan apa. Sempet degdegan ya mom belum siap mental kalo tau2 harus bedah, huhuu
Akhirnya, aku dibawa ke ruang bersalin sambil tetep dipantau. Jam 2 malem mbak bidan datang dan cek VT lagi ternyata belum pembukaan sama sekali padahal perut udah mulai cenuuttt cenutttt, paksu juga udah keliatan capeknya karna ngurus administrasi dan akhirnya tepar di lantai pinggir kasurku beralaskan jarik aja huhuu  sayangg abiiii <3
Makin subuh jangankan bisa tidur yaa, perut yang ada makin berasa keramnya, makin ga karuan harus ngapain sampe akhirnya jam 6 pagi cek VT lagi dan ternyata baru pembukaan 1 :'
Setelah konsultasi via telp sama dokter, mbak bidan suggest aku untuk induksi infus. Udah ga kepikiran yaa mau pertimbangin ini itu karna saat itu juga udah berasa sakitnya, dan karna pecah ketuban aku ga dibolehin buat jalan2 ataupun main gymball.. Yang ada cuma baringan ajaa di kasur sambil nahan sakit 
I said YES aja buat induksi!

Eng ing Enggg... Gak terdeskripsikan sihh rasanya induksi infus dan abis 2 kantong! Udah kebayang sakitnya suami aku, dijambakin, dicakarin, digigit huhuu maaf sayanggg
Tapi sakit luar biasanya alhamdulillah terbayar saat si kecil akhirnya bisa keluar dengan selamat jam setengah 4 sore tanggal 28 November 2018. Bayi ganteng shaleh anak pertamaku dan suami yang mashaallah langsung hempas semua rasa sakit 

Welcome to the world, Dhaffa Aideen Naushad A.. Ibun sama abi selalu sayangggg sama Ashad, hidup tumbuh kembang menjadi manusia yang bermanfaat dan patuh sama perintah Allah ya nak!

Dann itu tadi ceritaku bloggie, anak pertamaku tahun ini udah mau 4 tahun dan inshaallah will welcome his 'dedek' soon :) minta doa untuk kelancaran kemudahan dan kesehatannya yaa <3

see you in another story, bloggie!


19 February 2018

Turning Point of Life

Assalamualaikum everyone,

Last January 2018 was a big shot for me. Do you know, that turning point of life which everybody has was approaching me in one condition that i never imagine will come into my life before. Yes! that turning point when you will no longer become only you, but just because someone asked you to be a place called home, you will become 'two of you' soon for the rest of your life. Does everyone here remember that i've written the story about my dearest friend in Baskom Butut? it's about April, a year ago. I told you about someone with his kindness, yet chill sometimes. Never cross my mind that he will become someone important for the rest of my life. He used to, but I thought it will be only in my past after a long wait. However in fact, Allah made his best plan inshaallah. We are getting married soon. :) 

Like Micnon Mclaughlin says, I want to fall in love many times, always with the same person. And I want to be that one too. Well, I'm currently nervous preparing my wed. Did everyone feel the same too? Like me?
First, I feel like i didn't know what to prepare, where to start choosing vendors or what, how to calculate budget, or was it right or wrong? Gladly, i have mama, papa, my sister, and friends beside me who lend their hands, so i don't really bothered with that big monster called nervous anymore. In every chance, eventhough with thousand meters of distances, i also tried to be open up with my fiance (even feeling a little peculiar) in everything regarding our preparation. At least, his support makes me revive and ease every process. I know, the journey ahead of me is not a door to be in a wonderland directly. It might not as beautiful as it imagined, but not as creepy as it flashed either, for sure. What i heard from mama, marriage life is a wonderful step to pursue wonderful life afterlife. The journey will be tough but lead us to be tough either. It won't be smooth, but create us to be smoother and more patient in dealing problem. Obstacles are certainty, happiness and sadness are options. Hence, what i learnt from my married friends, It's ours to stir and direct the life of marriage, not others. 

Then, put Allah in everything. Happiness or sadness, Allah knows. 'Inna ma'al 'usri yusraa' - there's always ease after difficulty. Trust that everything happened to you is based on Allah's plan. I hope I can be someone who is able to cheer my destiny up in his good and bad times, give strength and comfort him in his every condition,be a home from places he goes, be the best that I can be by involving Allah in my life for sure! 
Therefore, please give your pray for me everyone! good pray will go for you too, inshaallah aminnn :)

Love doesn't just sit there, like a stone. It has to be made, like bread. Remade all the time, made new! - Ursula


4 January 2018

The Deer and the Lion

Salam pagi! 

Yesterday I talked with my boss about random things. He said, basically the deer runs faster than the lion, but the deer is always caught by lion. Why? Because the deer is frightened of lion. Its brain has set up the mindset that 'i will be caught up by the lion'. Hence, how faster the deer is, lion can catch it! While the lion itself has another way of thinking, it has a courage to attack and believe to win.
This is also depicted the problematic of youth, especially in my city. Students graduated from university, yet we can classify them, there will be two types of students; 1. Frightened of the world pressures 2. Challenge the world (got attacked or attack!). Frightened of something is not bad at all, they sometimes will not develop or perhaps they have a tendency to always look for comfort zone, but it also can protect them from bad things. However, in this capitalist world, our country needs more young generation to be bold and be the second type. Mostly, someone who can challenge the world is the one who has a real and strong vision in the future also knows what he/she wants to do, and it's very rarely. What I thought after coming back to my city, I used to be the first type, very pessimistic. My boss said it's fine and good to experience something like that as long as you are now can get the feel and try to change the other youth in this city to open up their mind and think globally, but act locally. Challenging, but gladly to be the part of Tasikmalaya citizen.
Just like the deer and lion, I wish someday the deer can think another way to escape from the lion :'D

16 December 2017

Percakapan Singkat

"Apa Kabar?"
"Alhamdulillah sehat, anda sendiri?"

Dua kata berjuta makna. Untukku, 'Apa' selalu menjadi kata tanya yang sangat tak sabaran. Enggan menanti barang satu detik pun. Tak ingin narasi panjang untuk memuaskan si 'Apa'. Hanya cukup dengan beberapa kata yang terangkai dalam sebuah kalimat jelas, pasti, dan ampuh. 'Apa' selalu meminta jawaban yang berbentuk spontanitas dari pada jawaban dengan sisipan jeda dan pikir panjang. Basi rasanya. Yang pasti, di dalam 'Apa', selalu terdapat tanda tanya besar dari si empu yang memakainya. Selalu terselip teka-teki panjang dalam otaknya. Dan perasaan resah yang mendalam akan penantian sebuah jawaban. 

Sedangkan 'Kabar', kata yang sarat dengan rasa.  Terkadang ia diselimuti dengan cemas, namun lebih banyak menyiratkan rindu, dan juga ungkapan basa-basi. Untukku? seringkali aku memakainya untuk berbasa-basi dalam memulai percakapan singkat. Namun yang aku suka adalah diferensiasi subjek nya. Ia akan menjadi basa-basi saat kamu terjebak dalam situasi yang tidak direncanakan, atau saat kamu memiliki kepentingan yang mengharuskanmu memulai percakapan dengan seseorang. Namun ia kadang bisa menjadi cemas saat kamu sebetulnya sudah sedikitnya paham dengan kondisi yang ada. Lalu, ia akan menjadi rindu saat kamu akhirnya mengalah pada ego, dan memberanikan diri dengan mengesampingkan segala imajinasi tentang kemungkinan-kemungkinan terburuk, untuk sekedar bertanya. 

Dua kata, untukku, jika aku bertanya kabarmu.. Mungkin aku sedang berbasa-basi, mungkin aku sedang cemas, atau.. mungkin saja itu, rindu.

#161217 #Dellayangmenungguterlelap

26 October 2017

Time doesn't heal

Remember what people tried to say when we were broken? It's okay, time will heal every wound you got.
But I think, time doesn't heal anything. Perhaps, time does a good job in making memories faded, time can make you forget. However, forget doesn't mean heals. Forget means, your brain agrees to your will of erasing the moment. In fact, you never heal. You just pretending to be okay and say that 'that's all in the past'. Everyone knows it. But once you remember, you will realize that time doesn't heal. Then, what is the best thing you can do is making a deal with yourself. Don't wait for other people to open up your hearts and helps you out. But being a superman for yourself who would depend on his own hands to set your heart free is better. You heal yourself, even it needs time. But time doesn't heal anything when you don't want to be healed. 

26 May 2017

Marhaban Yaa Ramadhan

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh..

Alhamdulillah Wa Syukurillah!
Ramadhan is coming! a month with full of blessings, rewards, and chances to upgrade our faith and to take steps of getting closer to Allah. How do you feel about Ramadhan? I wanna know! tell me tell me.

What I like from this month? I love to see people cheerily do the-dawn-to-dusk-fasting together, cause it makes me feel stronger. It reminds me of being suffering like those who less fortunate out there. And it reminds us to be always grateful of having what we got until now. Alhamdulillah
According to health researches, fasting from dawn-to-dusk for a month is very healthy. It seen as an exercise in a self-restraint where physically and spiritually detoxify by kicking impulses like eating midday snack, smoking, drinking coffee or tea, etc. 

Ramadhan always brings me new hopes. I hope I could be a better person, I hope Allah will forgive all my bad (because I do realize that my past was so awful), I hope I can find what I really want to be, I hope I can choose a path where Allah allows me to do, I hope I can make my mom and my dad proud of me, makes them happier, and no more grumbling for sure, hehe. I hope I'll find my happiness soon, I hope I will never hurt people's heart again, I hope I can draw a big smile in the face of every people I love most, again and over again. I hope I can be someone who is able to lighten up other people's life. I hope I can be someone who is able to inspire people and to give more moree and moreee. I hopee....... (too many!)

However, Ramadhan is not only about to avoid drinks and food during the day, but it also about not to engage with personal bad desires! Like gossiping, cursing, fighting, and many more!
As a muslims, I do feel my self that it is hard to implement the real virtue of Ramadhan. Yet, have faith! strong intentions will bring good things. Trust Allah..
This one pillar of Islam is delightful. Allah always knows how to elevating the degree of his people who believe. Inshaallah, we'll be always included to the people he protects, aminn
well, happy Ramadhan everyone! May our worship will be blessed by Allah.. 
Just remember, Ramadhan is a great chance to break bad habits, not putting them on pause.

Good night, everyone.
wassalamualaikum :)


30 April 2017

Baskom butut Squad

 Baskom Butut Squad!
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
I had missed most of the days in April, I know. But sorry to say that this month is the most hectic month, and i had to go to several places in a glance. Will you forgive me, bloggie? Hihiii
This month is a special month for my most-special-persons-in-my-life. And in this rare occasion, I’d like to introduce my dearest friends who had a huge impact in my life and I never imagine how my school life would like without them. These people gathered inside a house named Baskom Butut (A house with full of joy, laughter, and warmness). So, Hallo, Baskom Butut Squad!

First, let me tell you about the one and only girl in this house. dr.Sussy Listiarsasih, or I used to call her teh Ncus. She was the most dependable one who will take care of the house (from payment things, cleaning, and sometimes cooking). This pretty girl is a doctor! The first time I met her was at pool inside our university, where at that time her brother (who was by chance learnt in the same major with me) celebrated his birthday. All his classmates were trying to throw him to the pool! Hahahaa. And teh Ncus showed up! “What a pretty!” That was my first impression for her. And it continued until the night of that day. I walked to the lobby, waited for her brother and met her again who brought a cake with her boyfriend. (And you know? I knew that boyfriend of hers! but now her x bf) Hahahaa.
The second meeting, was when Ardi (another baskom butut squad) invited me to come along with him to go to West Lake. He said that he will join teteh’s celebration for her bachelor graduation. Well, I went with him and when we arrived, I realized that there was a big family there!! And teteh was soooo pretty in her gold dress! I remember that we took a picture together, and met her mom, her dad, and her little sister for the first time. It was really nice, because since that time I didin’t know how could I keep getting along with her until now. And yes!!! This month is a big day for her. She got married on 24th of April 2017 with her beloved one for sure! A Lingga. What a lucky bride and groom! And again! Teteh never failed to be pretty in her white traditional lace blouse and white-pink wedding gown! I believe that it’s very relieved to have our name and our beloved one written on the same line of destiny called Lauh Mahfuzh. Congratulation teh! Eventhough I didn’t get to create many pictures with you, but you know for sure that I’m happy for you, right?
An independent, nice, warmhearted, and loving girl like you must be happy forever! Thank you for our times teh. Thank you for always staying by my side, for always being there when the things could break me down, and choosing to be my best listener instead! I love you tetehh to the moon and back! Let me know if someone hurt you, I will punch them in the face !!!!! :)

Let’s meet with our second one! His name is Muhammad Ghozy Abdussalam. Just call him A oo! He is the coolest man you will see at the first sight. But then you will know that he is the most fragile man ever! It’s always been a funny thing if I tell you our first meeting story. He will be mad and maybe pinch me until my skin is peeling off? Iuuuhhh *scary. Hmm well, what I think about him? I can’t deny that he is so smart and diligent. But I’ve ever heard from his friends who took the same class with him that he was a bit stingy especially when it came to the examination time. Some of them will asked him things, but he will say ‘I haven’t study yet”. Yet in the end, he always got a good score. Hahaa (don’t get mad A oo, pleaseee). Alsooo, he is super funny. I don’t know exactly why, but every jokes that he brought always blew my laugh. We used to have a long chatting, and along with Audit, in every English class (PPB), three of us will sit together and point each other to answer Mr.Reko's questions. Hahaaa. And he is also a severe bully, really likes and enjoy to intimidate someone weaker like me. But, If he got turn to be bullied, he will immediately pouted. How unfair, right? Wleeeeeee.  He used to be a playboy, perhaps. Yet however do you know what’s even happier? Now, he is a daddy wanna be! He got married in last December and currently, his wife is pregnant for almost 4 months. Please everyone gives your du’as for my friend’s wife to be always healthy and everything will run smoothly as they planned. Happy to hear that, isn’t it? Even with that fragile and funny personality, he still a responsible man. And I know you will be a good father A oo! J

Our third personil’s name is Ardi Luthfi Kautsar, or Ardi. When you meet him, you will directly guess that he likes eating very much. Yes! That’s correct, haha. But you need to know him closer and he will serve you many tasty foods! Yeayy!. Our first meeting was at university orientation. He ever said that he had a bad impression when he met me for the first time. Omg! Am I that ugly? Or am I that scary? Huhuuu. That was very rude way of you to greet people right? Hehee. We were at the same class since the first semester until third semester. And we gathered again at our master class, right?. All I know about him, he is very playful, very Sundanese (remember when everyone was always making fun of sundanese people by saying “a lot op feofle” because they were inspired from you??) Hahaaaa. To be honest, it is normal for sundanese people who barely use ‘F’ in their daily conversation. But we had improved a lot! Right, ardi? We had been fully qualified for being a Sundanese British native, wkwkwkk. Also, he is a nice man and I used to asked him for helps, and he will try his best to help! Thank you di, I learnt to cook from him too even I often got scolded when I did a wrong step in cooking. He was such a main chef in baskom butut before teteh and others.
Last month, he bravely tied a commitment with his girlfriend and inshaallah will celebrate the wedding in the last month of this year. Eh? Or next year? I’m not sure but whenever it is, I will always cheer and support you both for your happiness. May Allah always give you guys his blessings until the Day and so on, amiinn. J

Next is the only Thailand man in Baskom Butut Squad. His name is Mushrifudeen but you can call him Udin. He was a diligent student. Can you imagine if you come from another country and you live in Indonesia where the language is not always understandable even if you have understand for a bit?. Survival is for the fittest. I think he was one of the example on it. Not all literatures that we found at university used English version. I thought Udin has to translate it back and forth until he could do his tasks or his thesis, perhaps. And adapted in foreign country was not easy at first. So, i think he already used to struggle and adapt with the situation, especially in the house where most of personil are Sundanese! Hahaaa So, he learnt a bit about Sundanese language too (even for a bad one). If you meet him, you will find that he has calm and friendly personality. Sometimes he turned to be innocent man where the men sorround him were brutal, hahaha. Because he came from Thailand, I always blabbered unclear things as long as it sounds like Thailand accent. Maybe that was because an impact from ‘crazy little things called love’ movie, where Mario Maurer (one Thai actor that I like) played in that movie. Udin will only raise his eyebrows like he was saying “What are you trying to say, della??” Hahahahahaaa.
Currently, he is working in Malaysia after finished his master degree in Yogyakarta. I haven’t heard anything again from him. But I hope Udin will always fine wherever he is, amin.

And the forth man in Baskom Butut Squad is Fahri Rizal. Let’s call him Fahri. You may say that he is Ghozy’s playmates? If you find them together, I couldn’t guarantee that they are 100% real men. Haha. It was always funny to see them, though. I can say that both of Fahri and Ghozy used to utilize their ‘good-looking’ weapon to fool the girls? (maybe). But I know everything has changed, for sure. You guys had improved so much and had matured enough to take a decision, correct?. Just like other, fahri also very diligent. He is smart eventhough at class some people often got annoyed by him because he usually asked too many questions to the lecturer and made the time felt much longer than it should be. Wkwkwkk. That’s okay actually, it just a nature of him.
Next month! He will follow teh Ncus’s step to tie the knot with a girl that he wishes will become his longlast partner in dunya and akhirat, amiiinn. I wish the best for you Fahri! May Allah always give you an ease. Inshaallah.

Next, I have Gesta F Nurbiansyah, or just call it A biyan. I forgot when was our first meeting a? Could you help me answer that? Haha, whatever! This is another alien man who was very chill and often bullied me wherever and whenever we met. You guys can’t stop him when he started to bully someone. The more you try to respond him, the more you feel that you bite your own heart. Hahaaa. So, when he tried to bully you, just shut your mouth, ignore him and keep silent until you pushed his feeling to the corner because no one cares! Or you can put a sallen expression until he felt guilty. (kidding A!). He is an easy-going person, maybe because he used to go to imigration office back and forth from our university (And it almost everyday) as part of his works, that made him easy-going? Hehee, I'm not sure. He is also funny! and he was the one who may used his power to influence the boss in IRO (from what he said, isn't he so sweet?) and supported me until I could make it! (stepped European land!!). All thanks to you a! You are T.O.P! Currently, he is studying in Turkiye! He left his beloved one just like Rangga who left Cinta behind. Perhaps he believes that if they are meant to be together, love will always find its way back. *Tsaaaaahhh (Even after hundreds of full moon?). Aha! I like one of Turkish actor named Sercan Cayoglu a! Please if it possible, make to meet him for me. And ask him to make a video by saying my name and tell him that I'm a big fan of him from Indonesia, wkwkwk ! okay a?
Anyway, goodluck for your study a! If you decide to move to Turkish girl, I just want to suggest you to clear the things with the girl you left kindly, don't be ever make yourself regret! All the best for you a biyaannn! See you again :)

Hallo Satrio Pringgo Sejati! One of the most impressive friends of mine. He always determined in his each goals. Even he is a bit sensitive tough. So, if you meet him, please do talk to him softly. Don’t ever say something harshly or he will pout straightaway and he won’t like you in the end. In his point of view, the one and only perfect girl who could talk and understand him perfectly is his gf! He has a clever, calm, and mature image, but you couldn’t absolutely imagine how spoiled and childish he was in front of his girlfriend. I remember the time when he was sick and by chance I came to Baskom Butut house and saw him lying in front of TV weakly. I felt pity and asked him if he needed something. Yet, he just shaked his head and said “No, I’m okay thank you, eya”. I didn’t believe him, for sure. I got persistent and I kept asking him for what he needed with a higher tone that in the end made him felt resentful instead. Hehee. But when his softly-wifey-to-be came, he became another alien whom I didn’t know and didn’t want to know, completely changing! Spoiled and childish! Wleee, haha. However, he cares a lot about his friends, he never hesitate to try something new. (Helped a market seller by buying all the shoes and sell it again with a lower cost, his head was full of creativity to create and sell things from his experiment, he loves to involve in many events!). Then, he is the best one to find when you need good movie references!! Yeay. Currently he is working at university, and from what I heard from our last meeting, he is planning to continue his study (doctoral program)! Waaawww, bismillah Sat! Inshaallah Allah will make it easier for every good intention!

Let’s meet our junior one! Ergi Fathurrahman. The most creative person i’ve ever met! You will appraise him as very manageable person since the first time you meet him. He planned his future very well rather than me. The courage that he had was always inspiring. He is a cousin from a friend of mine. The first time I met him was at his previous rented house in Yogyakarta. He was in the same major with me and others. A year behind me but always feels like a year ahead of me. Probably because he is more mature than me? Oh no. But the fact shows it. I was the one who always whining and coming to him for unproductive chatting, wkwkwkk. However, it really nice to having someone like him in the circle of your school life. Listen to what will he become was always exciting, he will keep blabbing on this and that explaining the way he will do in reaching his dreams. Also, he was very critical in criticizing things. Became a good partner for his cousin inside the excitement of watching football match and arguing things. I remember when it got me sick hearing both of them inside the car argued on the two of Presidential candidate of Indonesia. One of them supported Jokowi, and the other one gave his voice for Prabowo. Hffftttt, let's say that you felt like in the middle of the real Presidential debate. Hahaa. Well, currently he is in the middle of his effort in pursuing his dream. I wish you bunch of luck A! May Allah always showering you by his blessings and loves! Aminn :)  

Last but not least. let me introduce someone that always made my day! Dwi Auditya Muttaqin, or Audit, or Adit, whatever. Honestly, I can't really find the words to explain about him, but I'll try. Hmm, anyone who knew him would know that he is full of kindness. He loves to honoring guests and friends. Makes everyone comfortable being with him. Though he often becomes forgetful (easy to forget something, both important or less). He is good at maintaining relationship with people, and yes! easily having a long chit chat with strangers too. It means that he's friendly to everyone like he doesn't have any insecurities in him. Well, everyone has it for sure, but insecurity is something we may not notice. So, I was always wondering what kind of insecurities he had? Hehe. 
He is super busy person and hard worker, I know. When you are with him, you will find that his phone will never stop ringing. There was always be something that he needs to take care about. Hffftt.. And be careful, he acted reckless sometimes, and made everyone worries and panic so sudden! I think he has his half introvert personality.  He's not good at expressing his true feeling and doesn't like to talk about his personal life too much. Oya! He loves that football team so much! Persib and Madrid. You can't disturb him, even for a while when the match started. So, if you meet him, you know how to get along with him, right? :)
We were classmate just like others. But I didn't know exactly when we started getting close?. All I know, we are very different in many ways. But I hope that what will make us stronger. He taught me things, opened my eyes to not to be weak among my doubts, insecurities, and skepticism inside society's point of view. He was chill and mean sometimes because what he said always got me through to the core. Hahaaa. It hurts me like nuts but I know I always learn something and getting wiser. And I realized I should be thankful for it. Today is his day! I can't congratulate him in the face, but I know Allah will always deliver all my prays. Barakallah fiik, ujang! I hope you will always be there with full of healthy, happiness, affections, and blessings. May Allah always ease your each and every steps in reaching your dreams. And you always surrounded by people that make your laugh louder, your smile bigger, your faith stronger, and your life better, Aminn InsyaAllah! :)    
