6 November 2015

Moto GP Valencia 2015

"You know you are in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams" - Dr. Seuss
I think this is one of my best weekends ever! Don't you remember? That God always has three answer for every do'a that we asked. 

  • The first answer is Yes 
  • The second one is Yes, but wait 
  • And the third answer is No, because I will give something better
And I think I got one of them!
I remember that last year my friend told me that I could watched one of my favorite racer (live) in Sepang, Malaysia without spending big amount of money for the plane to go there. Because at that time there was a promo for the round-trip ticket (for 2015) with less than two hundred rupiah (Indonesia's currency). I was just too excited, but in the end I didn't make it because of some reasons. Well yeah, I even didn't know anything about other races which will be held, because it was just too disappointed for letting the 'cheapest price' ticket go. hahahaa  

Then, this year is coming! This year is a year which makes me have to change every plans that I've ever imagined in the previous year. Why? because my end of last year was not ended so good, therefore so many plans that I need to arrange back. But I am fine overall.
In the beginning of this year, I was graduated from my bachelor degree, then continued my study by taking the fast track. Hmmm.. this part is the most interesting one. In the middle of my master study, I decided to join one program which in the beginning  I thought that this program could makes me avoiding and escaping every mind+heart problems of mine in Indonesia (hahaha). Yet, I knew that was wrong and bad thoughts for starting a new life. So, I viewed this program as an opportunity which came to me in order me to improve my self to be a better one. Then, it flew me here !

I didn't expect something big actually, because my mom and dad only told me to keep study (always) and definitely to not forget over my obligatory toward God wherever I am. So, I will count that travelling to another city or countries outside Spain as a bonus for what I've already did! Then, meeting with another Indonesian students in Spain evidently brings me into a lucky moment. The leader of PPI (Persatuan Pelajar Indonesia) for region 4 (Comunidad Valenciana) and wife invited us to watch Moto GP in Valencia (which I didn't know before that it will held in Valencia). LOL!!! see, God always has a better plan which makes me always thankful for everything I have even if sometimes what you want couldn't be something what you have. Then, for all of you, don't ever think to give up in anything! when you face something which makes you disappointed, try other thing which maybe will brings you to a better plan. Because of God, because of Allah .. :)

Yesterday was one of my best weekends. I went to watch moto GP live!!! and it's not in Sepang, it's in Valencia! This race also becomes the last race of the season, you know after a critical and flaming incident among Rossi, Marquez, and Lorenzo in the previous race. Because of that incident, circuit Ricardo Tormo, Valencia turned into a sea of YELLOW! Everyone is screaming and singing 'Vale vale vale valeeee, valeeeee, valeeeee' Oh my! wasn't it too great? VR FortySix won our heart.. 
The race was running a bit flat I thought. Because both Marquez and Lorenzo keep comfort in their each position while the doctor always keep stunning and outstanding with his performance in every race. Isn't it? But the euphoria was very different compared to the time when I watched at home, It was so coooooollllllll!!! The race was so fast! I even imagined that if I were one of them, I will be slower than the last racer! haha and when all racer had reach the last lap, I was still in the early laps!

hmmm.. It should be THE DOC's tenth victory if he won, at least for the runner up, but it's okay as long as he keeps stunning as he always did, he will always win our heart, right? So, see you next year VR!
Also, even the race was so great, but my journey in order to reach home was so difficult. It was like we had a long walk to the station near the circuit and waited for the train which brought us to Valencia city for more than an hour (it happened because everyone was waiting for the same train). After arrived in Valencia city, we took metro two times, and reach our PPI leader's flat. Took a rest for a while, and then took a long walk again to the station, wait for our renfe train which will bring us to Castellon for an hour forward. It was so tiring, but also happy to the max!

5 November 2015

Satu hari saja di Teruel, sudah cinta!

Ini merupakan hari yang entah keberapa semenjak saya memutuskan untuk pergi ke negara Matador. Bersama ke enam teman dari satu Universitas di Yogyakarta yang sekarang menjadi keluarga. Rasanya, ada kebanggaan tersendiri bisa menginjakkan kaki di tanah Eropa. Namun juga kadang terfikir apa ini tak terlalu cepat? Sepertinya baru kemarin hanya mampu menikmati keindahan Eropa melalui posting-an orang-orang di Instagram, atau baru kemarin juga membayangkan Eropa lewat sebuah novel karya mbak Hanum Salsabiela Rais, 99 cahaya di langit Eropa yang tentunya bikin saya mupeng (muka pengen) berat. Tapi, sekarang saya benar-benar disini! Tinggal di salah satu kota kecil di Spanyol, Castellon de la Plana, dan studi di Universitat Jaume I. Hmm, memang bukan seperti Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Granada, Sevilla, atau Cordoba yang menjadi kota-kota incaran untuk didatangi dan tak asing didengar orang. Namun, kisah saya justru berawal dari sini, di kota yang tergolong sepi bak tak berpenghuni saat ‘weekend’, dan tak ramai juga saat hari-hari biasa. Hahaha

Hari itu kalau tidak salah bertepatan pada tanggal 10 Oktober saat saya dan salah satu teman dari Indonesia (Intro: Hani) menyetujui untuk ikut jalan-jalan bersama dua jagoan asli Spanyol (Intro: Ivan dan David) ke salah satu provinsi di komunitas Aragon, Teruel. Ini kali pertamanya saya harus benar-benar mandi pagi buta di hari libur! Namun rela kan yaa mandi demi jalan-jalan seharian. Sebelumnya, tak ada bayangan sama sekali seperti apa Teruel, karena saya pun malas untuk sekedar googling tentang Teruel saat itu. Yang saya tahu, saya akan mengunjungi tempat baru yang bahkan belum pernah saya dengar namanya. So, it will be interesting! 

Pagi itu sekitar pukul 8 lebih, setelah bensin mobil terasa cukup terisi, akhirnya kami meluncur menebas jalanan yang lengang. Ivan mengambil alih kemudi untuk perjalanan kurang lebih 2 jam dari Castellon menuju Teruel. Perjalanan berlangsung sangat menyenangkan karena tentunya diselingi obrolan yang asik, meskipun terkadang menjadi sangat membingungkan saat David yang kurang fasih berbahasa Inggris nyerocos hebat dalam bahasa lahirnya yang bikin saya yang bahasa Spanyolnya masih di tingkat A1 blank maksimal. Jadi mau tidak mau membuat Ivan harus bolak-balik translate percakapan kami dengan David. Karena hari masih pagi, kami mampir di kota Sagorbe untuk ngopi cantik (meski sebenarnya bukan kopi yang dibeli, karena saya dan Hani lebih memilih memesan susu dan Ivan serta David memesan Cola) ditengah-tengah suhu yang masih terasa dingin. Selepas ngopi dan mengabadikan kenangan dengan beberapa foto, kami pun kembali melanjutkan perjalanan yang tinggal setengah nya lagi untuk ditempuh. Saat itu sedang musim pancaroba (kalau versi Indonesia) dimana musim disini mulai berganti menuju musim gugur. Kalau lihat dari film-film, saya paling suka musim ini. Musim yang punya warna-warna pastel. Maka dari itu, sepanjang perjalanan mata ini tak lepas memandang keindahan rentetan pohon yang menguning dan mulai berguguran sampai saya tertidur.

Tepukan tangan Hani membangunkan saya dari alam bawah sadar, dan yang saya tahu saat itu kami sudah berada di Teruel! Namun mobil Ivan masih berputar-putar entah mau kemana. Ivan bilang, kami akan mampir sekali lagi untuk sarapan sebelum perjalanan jauh berkeliling Teruel. Akhirnya kami berhenti sejenak di sebuah mercado untuk sekedar membeli napolitana, croissant, dan minuman. Namun keluar dari mercado, David kegirangan melihat McD dan kemudian membuat kami berakhir memesan beberapa junk food disana. Tak lama setelah itu kami kembali berputar-putar mencari tempat parkir. Karena ternyata, banyaknya pengunjung yang datang ke Teruel membuat kami kesulitan mencari tempat parkir. Namun jika kamu lucky, meskipun lumayan jauh dari tempat-tempat yang akan dikunjungi, itu lebih baik. Seperti halnya kami yang harus berjalan agak jauh (versi Indonesia) menuju keramaian Teruel dan melihat sisi lain Spanyol.

Saat mulai berjalan, hal pertama yang berkesan dari Teruel adalah Teruel itu sendiri. Hmm, bagaimana menjelaskannya yaa.. Kota ini spesial! Kami tak henti berdecak kagum (itu pun berlaku pada Ivan dan David) dan tak henti pula mulai berpose dan menjepret kesana dan kemari. Provinsi ini dikenal dengan seni Mudejar atau merupakan seni arsitektur yang terpengaruhi dari gaya Gothic, Renaissance, bahkan gaya Islamic. Hal ini bisa dilihat dari beberapa bangunan seperti Cathedral dan Iglesia atau gereja-nya. Paduan antara brick dan ceramic mendominasi bangunan-bangunan tersebut yang bahkan membuatnya semakin elegan. Sebenarnya, bangunan yang terbuat dari batu bata atau bricks itu menandakan bangunan itu dibuat saat keuangan negara atau kerajaan dahulu sedang surut. Hahaha. Karena bricks saat itu menjadi bahan pengganti stone yang pada zaman Gothic dan Renaissance menjadi salah satu material utama pembuatan Katedral, apalagi untuk masalah dekorasi, ornamen, entablatures dari column-nya, detail-detail didalamnya, dan lainnya. Namun seiring berjalannya waktu para artists pun mulai menggunakan brick dan mengembangkannya. (Lho? Mbaknya kok tau?) Bukan, bukan dari google kok. Sebagai mahasiswa yang murtad jurusan dari Hubungan Internasional menjadi mahasiswa Seni dan Turisme di Universitat Jaume I, mempelajari tata seni bangunan dan sejarah dari zaman Gothic hingga Barroque merupakan dasar, ciyeeeee *kibasponi. Kembali ke Teruel!

Dalam perjalanan menuju katedral, kami melewati jembatan yang dari sana terlihat rumah-rumah penduduk yang menurut saya unik dan Spanyol sekali. Jembatan itu mempunyai banyak lengkungan yang disebut ‘The Arch of Teruel’ dan itu sangat sangat keren untuk diabadikan!. Setelah itu, kami sampai di katedral Teruel yang diberi nama La Catedral de Santa Maria de Mediavilla de Teruel. Seperti yang saya katakan sebelumnya, katedral ini terlihat elegan. Selain itu dia memiliki bell tower yang menjulang diantara bangunan lainnya yang lebih rendah. Setelah itu kami singgah di central Teruel yang dinamakan La Plaza del Torico, atau orang-orang menyebutnya ‘The Heart of Teruel’ dimana banyak sekali orang-orang berkumpul disini, untuk sekedar berfoto di depan monumen toro/banteng, untuk makan (karena banyak sekali tempat makan di plaza del torico ini, atau untuk menikmati suasana disana yang katanya tempat ini juga merupakan tempat pertunjukkan banteng di bulan-bulan tertentu. Selain itu Plaza del Torico akan terlihat lebih indah dimalam hari, karena disana terpasang LED lighting system (entah seperti apa sistemnya) yang mana akan memancarkan cahaya-cahaya horizontal dan vertical yang juga berubah-ubah warnanya pada lantai Plaza del Torico tersebut.

Selain mengunjungi Catedral de Santa Maria dan Plaza del Torico, kami juga mengunjungi tempat bersejarah yang paling romantis di Teruel yang membuatnya dikenal sebagai ‘The City of Love’-nya Spanyol, yaitu Los Amantes de Teruel (The Lovers of Teruel). Ditempat ini, kalian akan menyaksikan sejarah tragedi cinta sepasang sahabat pada abad ke 13. Konon, dahulu kala ada dua orang sahabat sejak kecil, Diego dan Isabel yang terlahir dari dua kerajaan terkaya berharap untuk menikah. Namun kenyataannya mereka tidak dapat menikah karena Diego merupakan anak kedua yang tentunya tidak dapat mewarisi tahta kerajaan, sedangkan Isabel merupakan anak tunggal. Setelah melalui berbagai negosiasi dengan Ayah Isabel, pada akhirnya Ayah Isabel memberikan Diego waktu selama 5 tahun untuk keluar dari Teruel dan membangun kerajaannya sendiri. Isabel senantiasa menunggu dan terus menolak permintaan ayahnya untuk menikah dengan pewaris-pewaris kerajaan lain yang datang kepadanya. Namun, setelah lima tahun berlalu, Diego tak kunjung datang. Sehingga Isabel pada akhirnya menuruti permintaan ayahnya untuk menikah dengan yang lain. Beberapa tahun kemudian, Diego mendatangi Isabel dan menampakkan dirinya di hadapan Isabel. Diego bahkan meminta sebuah kecupan terakhir dari Isabel. Isabel terkejut dan langsung menolak permintaan Diego karena Isabel menyadari dia sudah menikah dengan yang orang lain. Namun beberapa saat kemudian Diego terjatuh dan bersimpuh kaku, mati dihadapan Isabel. Saat pemakaman Diego, Isabel tak henti bersedih dan menyesali yang terjadi. Ia berlutut dihadapan kuburan Diego dan mengecupnya lama. Orang-orang menatap aneh Isabel yang tak kunjung bangun. Namun saat tersadar, ternyata Isabel pun sudah tak sadarkan diri. Kabarnya, Diego dan Isabel dikuburkan secara berdampingan.

Tuh kan, yang namanya jodoh gak akan kemana, meski mungkin dipersatukan di dunia lain. Entah benar atau tidak, namun saya rasa itu mungkin memang terjadi karena ditempat ini kalian akan melihat gambar relief dari tragedi Diego dan Isabel. Selanjutnya, bagi orang yang menyukai dinosaurus wajib mendatangi Teruel, karena wilayah Aragon (termasuk Teruel) merupakan wilayah yang paling banyak ditemukan fosil-fosil dinosaurus yang sekarang diabadikan di musium Dinopolis. Jugaaa, selain mengunjungi tempat-tempat menarik di Teruel, kami tak lupa mencicipi makanan khas asli Teruel. Teruel dikenal dengan penghasil Jamon (daging babi) terenak di Spanyol, atau menurut Ivan dan David merupakan paling enak di Eropa. Namun dikarenakan saya tidak makan Jamon, saya dan Hani mencicipi makanan lain yang sebenarnya normal saja seperti ditempat lain, tapi ada pula makanan enak disana seperti Rabo de Toro yang kami cicipi dan itu sangat enak!. Setelah makan dan kenyang, kami mendatangi tempat berbagai permainan yang gratis untuk para remaja seperti foosball, video game, basket, dan lainnya. Setelah puas, kami memutuskan untuk pulang. Walau kaki lelah berjalan, memori kamera penuh, namun itu menjadi salah satu moment menarik yang tentunya tak akan terlupakan. Satu hari dan mungkin sekali seumur hidup, mengunjungi Teruel dan langsung jatuh cinta!

12 October 2015

Life and Love Story

People says that experience is the best teacher. Now I understand, because lately I learned a lot from my experiences. Live in one environment which totally strange for you is a challenge. Especially when you are being a minority in one majority countries. My Korean friend said that we were just like Monkey in the Zoo. Everywhere you go, thousand eyes will follow your moves. The thing that most noticeable felt different is the use of Hijab. I am muslimah, wearing my hijab is an obligatory. That is everything to me because it showed my true identity. Yet, as I told you before, it wasn't easy in the beginning. Sometimes, I'm feeling isolated, and so weird, but sometimes I'm feeling grateful that I'm different. Because you know what, as time goes by the people started asking me questions instead of talking behind. At that moment, one by one of their curiosity was answered. Then maybe they are starting understand the reason behind my Hijab. Here, you will find a lot of happiness when you suddenly think that you are a great Muslimah Agent :) *even I am not expert yet in this kind of thing, but at least I can convince them what am I hold into.

Also, life is never leave the love behind. I have a bad idea which in a glance came up to my mind when the first time I decided to go here. I left my family back home, of course. Actually it hurts, because it means I will spent my parents money again and again. Yet, their supports made me doubtless and confident. They are hanging a great hope and big dreams to me in order me to gain and have a better future by flying here. Hence, what I have to do now is trying and doing my best in everything, to prevent any regret that somehow will appear in the future. Then I left my beloved friends, but I know it doesn't a big deal because everyone now is busy in achieving their each dreams. I wish you all the best guys!

And last but not least, maybe it sounds over but trust me it is what really out from the heart. Every of you is definitely have someone who wanted to be with. So do I. Before coming here, my heart argued a lot, between leave or stay. And finally I decide to leave. In truth, it is called as one sided, because I'm the only one who was so hard to leave. Well to be honest, it's a bit hurt and I deserve better. But in the end, my heart choose to let it flow, not demanding for someone better, but asking to be sincere in facing the reality and being busy to be more productive instead of thinking somebody. However, the most grateful thing is that lately everything is running well..

27 September 2015

Be aware! Spain, I did it!

Hola todos! 
After flying away from Indonesia for almost 22 hours!!
Then it's been almost a month since I stepped my feet in this mysterious land. Why it is mysterious? Because I don't know what will I face, what will happen, and what am I going through here!. First of all, me and my friends had a bad experienced when we just arrived in Barcelona Airport. I thought it was bad because we didn't know how to reach Castellon de la Plana city (our destination) from the airport. All we knew at that time was to go to the station as soon as possible. We took a settle bus which brought us to the station. Yet, the station is not the main station, we have to go to Barcelona Sants from that station. Then, we went to Barcelona Sants by spending money around 4 euros to go there. After arriving in Barcelona Sants, we started looking for our train. But it didn't come easily. Actually it wouldn't be so hard, if everyone could understand what we wanted to say, or we understood what those people were trying to say. But in the end, after we bought the ticket around 24 euros, we took a wrong train which made us come back again to Barcelona Sants. We asked again to the information center, and ensured that this time won't be wrong, so we waited again for the train. The train came, and I quickly assumed 'This is it!'. So finally we took the train and I just feeling relieved because carried a big suitcase all the time was very tiring. Hahahaa

Unfortunately, this suffering was not over yet. The train that we took ended at Tortosa city as its final destination. Yet, our destination was to reach Castellon de la Plana!!! So, we met a guy (Now we called him as 'a mysterious guy from Tortosa') who can speak English (fortunately!) and help us to ask the information center in the station of Tortosa. They said we have to get off from the train in the two previous stations, I forgot the name, but if I'm not mistaken, the name was L'aldea ...... station.That guy explained our condition to the information center, then the officer made a note behind our ticket to show it to the officer in the L'aldea station (maybe because if not so, we have to buy for another train ticket). We thanked to the officer and to the Tortosa guy and then took the same train to go to L'aldea station. Yet once more, we missed L'aldea station! It happened because we were too afraid that the station was not L'aldea station. And when the train started moving from that station, we just noticed that the station is L'aldea station. Reluctantly, we stopped in the next station, and like it or not we have to wait another train to bring us to L'aldea station (again). It was dark when we arrived to L'aldea station. And we got the last train to Castellon at 9.15 p.m. That was the last train we took, til eventually we reached Castellon de la Plana city! 

Another problem came up, because it almost midnight and we couldn't found any wifi to contact the one who will picked us up and brought us to our flat. Then, we gave up and decided to stay at hotel overnight. Because it was very very tiring to the maximum! The day after, we have the orientation in our new university! we took the tram and went to Universitat Jaume I. Then, after following some welcoming things, we met someone who in the end brought us to our flat and took a rest. What a day! I don't know whether it could be called as a bad experience, or not because I found a good story too to be told, isn't it? :D 
So, if you don't want to have the same experience like me, just be aware and please recognize exactly the way to reach your destination. 
However, I'm fine now.. Spain, I did it!!!! 

9 June 2015

Dreaming is Never Enough

Being a dreamer is not pathetic at all. That was actually the beginning of everything. Just like my life, where all the things that I got started from dreaming. It was just yesterday, when I started dreaming to be able going abroad. Then today, I get this opportunity. The opportunity which in the day after will fly me away to the other part of the world.

Hallo Spain! How is there? How do you look?
Since getting the announcement that I was accepted to participate in the exchange program to Universitaat Jaume I, Spain. I was so surprised for sure, and very grateful for the result.  Alhamdulillahhh
Therefore, those questions started popping up my mind. Then what I wish now is everything will run smoothly. Every process that will be faced is going to be great and fun. Because dreaming is good, yet catching the dream is the best thing I have to do. So, be dare to dream, be dare to realized it because dreaming is never enough. :D