18 January 2017


Was sooo last-years-album (2013), but this song currently often played again in my playlist.
But if you have downloaded their new album (Taking one for the team), soft-romance song like 'Perfectly perfect' is so perfect to listen when you're blogging something! 

I've never been the best at honesty,
I've made more mistakes than I can even count,
But things are gonna be so different now,
You make me wanna turn it all around.

I think of all the games that I have played,
The unsuspecting people that I've hurt,
Deep inside I know I don't deserve,
Another chance to finally make it work.

But I'll try, to never disappoint you,
I'll try, until I get it right,
I've always been so reckless, all of my life,
But I'll try,
For you.

I've been the best at letting people down,
I've never been the kind of person you could trust,
But if you can give me half a chance I'll show,
How much I can fix myself for you.

And I'll try, to never disappoint you,
I'll try, until I get it right, (til I get it right)
I've always been so reckless, all of my life,
But I'll try...

This time I won't make up excuses (Cause I don't wanna lose you),
Don't give up on me and I'll prove that,
I can do this!

I'll try, to never disappoint you,
I'll try, until I get it right (till I get it right),
I've always been so reckless, all of my life,
But I'll try,
For you.

(Never been the best at honesty, you know that you could never count on me)
I'll try for you!
(But if you give me half a chance I'll show, there is nothing that I wouldn't do for you!)
I'll try for you!

I've always been so reckless, all of my life,
But I'll try,
For you.

Perspektif diatas persepsi

Malam menjelang subuh. 
Gak niat juga sih jadi anak nocturnal tapi mau gimana kalau belum bisa merem.
Jadi dari pada bolak-balik scroll instagram, facebook, twitter, dan media sosial lainnya yang bikin pusing kelamaan, saya pilih kembali lagi jadi penulis amatiran isi curcolan. Hehe

Well, another year passed! kali ini 2017 bakalan balik menggerayangi kayak taun-taun sebelumnya untuk keep productive. Yaahh, meski sebenernya banyak banget resolusi yang udah saya catat di book-planner, tapi ujung-ujungnya intinya cuma satu resolusi "NOT TO BE A LAZY PERSON"
Ini super duper plan yang simpel tapi kadang paling sulit *hfffttt. Setelah melewati satu tahun yang penuh kemalasan kemarin, tahun ini saya seenggaknya mau regularly menuhin blog pakai curcolan ala-ala aja. Semoga meskipun ala-ala, ada aja yaaa yang bergunanya. Amin.

Malam ini, saya mau sedikit merenung karena habis kedatangan pasien curhat yang kalau udah cerita kadang susaaaahhhh buat berhenti. Bukan karena rewel, but she's too deep. Dia tipikal melancholy person sih. Terpusat sama diri sendiri, dan yah a bit temperamen. I'm not saying if being self-centralized and temperament are not good. She just a close-friend who apart in space and time, jadi suatu hal yang lumrah saat ketemu bakalan kedapetan banyak cerita menarik bukan?

Memang bukan anak psikolog, but often get to hear someone's story buat saya cari tahu sedikit hal yang berkaitan sama kepribadian orang. In case to give a proper response untuk orang-orang yang tentunya punya karakter berbeda kan?. Nah, temen saya ini emang cenderung termasuk orang yang melancholy. Kadang tipe ini dianggap aneh sama beberapa orang. Tapi sebenernya, kelebihan dari orang-orang tipe ini undoubtedly cool sekali!. Temen saya satu ini emang very talented and brilliant. Sama kaya kebanyakan orang-orang tipe melancholy. Perfeksionis, dan yahh most of time punya persepsi yang idealis banget. Gak kenal deh sama yang namanya capek atau males. Beda berarti ya sama yang nulis? hihii
Tapi, mungkin karena itu jadi kadang kurang punya waktu buat having fun sama orang-orang sekitarnya. She's too focus on her self, sampai akhirnya kalau ada urusan yang gagal, murungnya kebangetan. Taraaaa, kebetulan banget dong ya ketemu saya? lagi bete-bete tipe melancholy bagusnya emang ga dipendam tapi cari orang yang mau nampung cerita, meski seringnya mereka lebih suka mendem yang ujung-ujungnya jadi temperamen dan gerutu-gerutu sendiri.

Intinya, dia curcol kalau kursi itu sandarannya bengkok dan gak enak buat didudukin. (Tentu aja ini analogi ya, it's not the real story). Dia uring-uringan sama satu masalah, itu aja dan lamaaaaa. haha.
Disini ada hal yang jadinya saya pikirin. Dia bilang sandaran kursi itu bengkok, jadi udah gak enak didudukin. Ini semacam teori basic of logic, jika P maka Q (P -> Q), dimana rantai sebab-akibat selalu real, dan exact. Halaaahh ngomong apa sih, gak penting.
Jadi, kursi yang sandarannya bengkok itu udah jadi perspektifnya dia yang paling ideal. Gak bisa diganggu gugat. Padahal, yang namanya perspektif boleh jadi beda-beda bukan?. Saat satu kasus datang, polisi dan para detektif juga gak langsung underline "jika P maka Q". Mereka pastinya bakalan putar otak jumpalitan dan investigasi secara terperinci, melihat kasus dari sudut pandang yang berbeda.
Bukankah sama dengan kursi? Perspektif atau sudut pandang dia yang bilang kalau sandaran kursi itu bengkok mungkin hanya muncul dan diperkuat dari apa yang terlihat dan diyakini oleh dirinya saja. Tanpa coba mempertimbangkan bentuk kursi itu dari sudut pandang yang berbeda.
Dan dari perspektif yang dia perkuat ini, kemungkinan besar pemikiran-pemikiran atau persepsi itu diciptakan.

Makanya, persepsi baik akan terbentuk dari perspektif yang baik pula. Sedangkan semakin jelek kita memandang atau menilai suatu hal, maka pemikiran yang mampu dihasilkan dari penilaian tersebut akan jadi jelek. Ini mungkin yang sering orang bilang sebagai korelasi antara perspektif dan persepsi seseorang. Saat seseorang memiliki perspektif yang mendominasi buruk, tentu saja akhirnya akan menghasilkan persepsi yang buruk pula. Tipe melancholy sebenernya harus lebih open minded. Dibandingkan dengan merutuki masalah secara berkelanjutan dengan perspektif perspektif yang terbilang cenderung sempit, tipe ini harus terbiasa untuk mempertimbangkan masalah tersebut dari berbagai sudut pandang, sehingga memungkinkan untuk mendatangkan persepsi positif terhadap masalah tersebut. This is what will ultimately dampen vindictive and moody nature of her.

okay, time to sleep. Mata udah keleyeng-keleyeng gak fokus sepertinya. See ya di cerita tipe sanguinis/phlegmetis/koleris ya! (senemunya yang curhat)


1 January 2017

Simply Being You

Hi 2017.
This is my first post on the first day of New 365 days. 
Speaking of new day, means talking about new things. What will you do on new year? What kind of changes you want to make in your new day? 
Hahhh.. My friends celebrate the event by their own manner out there. Some of them are going out with friends, some of them are having fun with their lover, some of them choose to spend the time by working, or some of them are driving somewhere for picnic with family. That's pretty cool, isn't it?

'This year will be my big year!' Lots of people will underline this words in their personal thought. Then good motivations, high spirits, and positive vibes will put them straight with their goals. Their new 365 days in the end will running perfectly as they wish. These are also sounds great, isn't it?  

Okay, let keep it aside.
Today, I will dedicate my first blogging of the year for you. Yes, you are out there.
For you who don't know what to do to start your new day, don't hesitate to ask Allah to find the way.
For you who might confuse and feeling down, don't be shy to kneel down and talk to Allah.
When you can't be like others, don't force yourself to become one. When you feel like you left behind, don't try to run and get depressed. Just speak to Allah. 
However, life is not that simple, and it won't be easy and perfect as we imagine. But we have Allah who always there and listen to our anxious feeling.
Allah creates happiness along with the grief, And creates easiness along with the hardship. Allah creates imperfection to be something special. And you know, Marilyn Monroe also ever said Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and absolutely ridiculous is better than being absolutely boring. So, it doesn't matter to be imperfect. Because in reality, everything you do will bring in two answers, compliment and rejection.

Some people may judge you as a sinner, and some people judge you as the righteous man. Just let them be. because the only one who really knows yourself is you. Then the only secret that everyone doesn't know about you is the relation between you and Allah. Hence, when you face the condition that makes you feel like you're dying, Allah is the answer. Try to get closer and makes Allah close to you. Then you won't be worry to go through your life even the hardest one. 

Hey you.
Don't try to be someone else even if it's kill you. Living in the world that's constantly trying to make you something else is hard. Yet, when you can be yourself and trying the best in that circumstances, that is a great accomplishment.
Hey you.
No matter how much pain you've ever gained, no matter how mean the world to you, and no matter people say about you. 
Don't ever feel small. You've been there at the best version of yourself.
Hey you.
Imperfection is so special, therefore.. just simply being you :)
