30 December 2016

365 nights

Time flies.
That is what most people say these days. A year passed. Dated back to the day when I escaped as far as possible from the place where I belong, home. Tried to run away and forgot lots of memories with such an emotional and sentiment outbursts of a confused girl in her early twenties who pathetically fell in love at a wrong time. It would be so nostalgic when I remember it tonight, but many things were changing since then, and that's not the case.

Hffftt, Everyone is surely excited to welcoming new year. Perhaps, so am I. New year feels like coming faster than it supposed to be. I even don't realize how fast things changed. From an ordinary student, to be a graduated student. From a person who-rely-so-much-on-parents, to be a must-self-reliant-person. It seems like drastically happened. I moved, being oppressed most of the time, and sometimes were hardly to cope with an adulthood life. However, everything must be endured no matter how challenging it is. 

What I got from my life lately are bunch of lessons. Not a lesson that needs tuition like schools, but a lesson that I received for free from anything around me. First, fight yourself and minimize errors. Because if you made a mistake, you pay the price and you lose the chance. Second, think more globally when sometimes my mind still thinking locally. Third, don't ever give up and lose hope. Because once you give up, it will be a shame when you see everyone is struggling while you are not.

I've cried a lot, and stress had been into my daily meals. Everyday was paralyzing me, suffocating me until sometimes I felt that all the things I did were useless. No one care, and no one understand, that was what I thought. Yet, in the same time I realized, that was the process of mine. 

Therefore, my old 365 nights will change into new one. Everyone is bringing a new hope and expectations. So do I, but this time I'll face it more positively, wiser (i hope), and SMILE definitely!

Happy new year everyone! 



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