4 January 2018

The Deer and the Lion

Salam pagi! 

Yesterday I talked with my boss about random things. He said, basically the deer runs faster than the lion, but the deer is always caught by lion. Why? Because the deer is frightened of lion. Its brain has set up the mindset that 'i will be caught up by the lion'. Hence, how faster the deer is, lion can catch it! While the lion itself has another way of thinking, it has a courage to attack and believe to win.
This is also depicted the problematic of youth, especially in my city. Students graduated from university, yet we can classify them, there will be two types of students; 1. Frightened of the world pressures 2. Challenge the world (got attacked or attack!). Frightened of something is not bad at all, they sometimes will not develop or perhaps they have a tendency to always look for comfort zone, but it also can protect them from bad things. However, in this capitalist world, our country needs more young generation to be bold and be the second type. Mostly, someone who can challenge the world is the one who has a real and strong vision in the future also knows what he/she wants to do, and it's very rarely. What I thought after coming back to my city, I used to be the first type, very pessimistic. My boss said it's fine and good to experience something like that as long as you are now can get the feel and try to change the other youth in this city to open up their mind and think globally, but act locally. Challenging, but gladly to be the part of Tasikmalaya citizen.
Just like the deer and lion, I wish someday the deer can think another way to escape from the lion :'D


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