Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh..
Good night, everyone.
wassalamualaikum :)
Alhamdulillah Wa Syukurillah!
Ramadhan is coming! a month with full of blessings, rewards, and chances to upgrade our faith and to take steps of getting closer to Allah. How do you feel about Ramadhan? I wanna know! tell me tell me.
What I like from this month? I love to see people cheerily do the-dawn-to-dusk-fasting together, cause it makes me feel stronger. It reminds me of being suffering like those who less fortunate out there. And it reminds us to be always grateful of having what we got until now. Alhamdulillah
According to health researches, fasting from dawn-to-dusk for a month is very healthy. It seen as an exercise in a self-restraint where physically and spiritually detoxify by kicking impulses like eating midday snack, smoking, drinking coffee or tea, etc.
Ramadhan always brings me new hopes. I hope I could be a better person, I hope Allah will forgive all my bad (because I do realize that my past was so awful), I hope I can find what I really want to be, I hope I can choose a path where Allah allows me to do, I hope I can make my mom and my dad proud of me, makes them happier, and no more grumbling for sure, hehe. I hope I'll find my happiness soon, I hope I will never hurt people's heart again, I hope I can draw a big smile in the face of every people I love most, again and over again. I hope I can be someone who is able to lighten up other people's life. I hope I can be someone who is able to inspire people and to give more moree and moreee. I hopee....... (too many!)
However, Ramadhan is not only about to avoid drinks and food during the day, but it also about not to engage with personal bad desires! Like gossiping, cursing, fighting, and many more!
As a muslims, I do feel my self that it is hard to implement the real virtue of Ramadhan. Yet, have faith! strong intentions will bring good things. Trust Allah..
This one pillar of Islam is delightful. Allah always knows how to elevating the degree of his people who believe. Inshaallah, we'll be always included to the people he protects, aminn
well, happy Ramadhan everyone! May our worship will be blessed by Allah..
Just remember, Ramadhan is a great chance to break bad habits, not putting them on pause.
wassalamualaikum :)