9 June 2015

Dreaming is Never Enough

Being a dreamer is not pathetic at all. That was actually the beginning of everything. Just like my life, where all the things that I got started from dreaming. It was just yesterday, when I started dreaming to be able going abroad. Then today, I get this opportunity. The opportunity which in the day after will fly me away to the other part of the world.

Hallo Spain! How is there? How do you look?
Since getting the announcement that I was accepted to participate in the exchange program to Universitaat Jaume I, Spain. I was so surprised for sure, and very grateful for the result.  Alhamdulillahhh
Therefore, those questions started popping up my mind. Then what I wish now is everything will run smoothly. Every process that will be faced is going to be great and fun. Because dreaming is good, yet catching the dream is the best thing I have to do. So, be dare to dream, be dare to realized it because dreaming is never enough. :D


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